Changes (Wiki: Planetech Wiki)
== New features of this round ==
Compared to the old round some new features have been implemented and others have been optimized.
=== Changes compared to the last round ===
* The recycling centers are functioning now. After Battles the destroyed units are flying around the planet/astroid, where the battle took place. Some of the resources that were used to build those units can be regained through recycling centers. Furthermore some of the resources that were needed to build a unit can be regained through recycling centers after dismanteling them.
* Drones can be given the order to look for planets only or for asteroids only.
* It is not possible anymore to attack players from ones own alliance.
* The skill points are set with 80% after the registration of an account. To personalize ones account one should distribute the free skill points as soon as possible, as the account will be subobtimal otherwise.
* The economy part of the gazette has now variable prices which are orientated on the sold and buyed resources.
* Planets and asteroids dont get credits anymore, thus the only way to get them is by selling resources in the economy part of the gazette.
* When a non-aggression pact is being cancelled it is not possible to attack the former NAP-partner for another day - when an union is cancelled it is not possible to attack the former union-mates for another two days.
* There are new requirements for trading:
*** Level 1 - Trad between ones own planets/asteroids becomes possible
*** Level 5 - Trading with the alliance becomes possible
*** Level 10 - Trading with other players becomes possible (The receiver only needs the trading building on level 1).
* The homeplanet of every player is now marked in the galaxy overview and in the search screen.
* Production centers and shipyards can now also be built on asteroids.
* Oil can only be mined on asteroids.
* It is not possible anymore to send messages to oneself anymore ... a notebook will be implemented soon.
* The honor has been newly introduced. The workers of each player with a lot of honor are more motivated than the workers of players with little honor and thus are mining more resources each tick. The honor is being displayed as a percentage in the top of each window in the main frame. This percentage shows directly how many of the maximal possible resources are being mined. Every account starts with an honor of 90% meaning, that only 90% of the maximal possible resources are being mined.
Honor can only be gained or lost through the conquering of planets/asteroids. If a planet/asteroid is being conquered from a player that is stronger than oneself (has more military points), than 7,5% of honor is gained. If on the other hand a planet/asteroid is being conquered from a player that has less than 1/4 of ones own military points (meaning who is much weaker) 15% of honor are lost.
Honor can only be gained/lost within the range of 0% - 100%.
* The process of the ground battles has changed a little bit. The start of every battle is still the same: The attacking fleet is getting closer to the planet/asteroid through the XL, L, M and S-orbital-tick. The landing of the ground units also stayed the same. Ground units are only able to get to the ground when no more defending orbital units are present. Herefore the attacker has 3 S-orbital-ticks at the maximum. Thus, if not all defending orbital units are destroyed after the 6th orbital battle tick (xl, l, m, s, s, s) the attacker withdraws.
The new thing is, that after the ground units are being unloaded the ground battle takes place in full length (bxl, bl, bm, bs, bs, bs), regardless of any new defending ships that are joining in the battle after the ground units have been unloaded. Thus ... if new defending ships arrive there are fights on the ground AND in orbit.
Planets/asteroids can only be conquered when the attacker defeats all defending units in space AND on the ground in the same tick.
* The first profession (spy) has been implemented. The profession can only be taken 10 days after the round has started under the *Special* new menu. As a spy a player is able to conduct more espionage missions than with the drones only. Furthermore sabotage missions will become possible. More professions will be introduced as this round progresses.
* A teamspeak server has been opened where all planetech players can get into contact with each other. The access data can be looked up under the link *community*. For those too lazy to look it up:
TeamSpeak IP-Port:
* When a player is leaving an alliance he will not be able to attack his former ally mates, the union partners of his old alliance or the NAP-partners of his old alliance for 2 days.
* When a NAP or union is being cancelled the high counsil of the alliance with which the political status is being terminated will get an ingame message.
* Each player starts in his own galaxy. Between two players there is always a free galaxy. The maximum number of asteroids/planets in one galaxy is limited to 10. Thus to colonize all 15 possible planets/asteroids ones own system has to be left.
* Most researches, buildings and parts on the way to the first asteroid (inclusive the trading with it) dont cost oil anymore, since it can only be mined on asteroids. Nevertheless - there are some minor points where oil is needed which has to be traded for in the gazette.
* To be able to trade in the gazette the trading technology needs to be researched on level 2
=== Ankündigungen ===
* Im Laufe dieser Runde werden nach und nach weitere Fertigkeiten, bzw. Berufe freigeschaltet. Jeder Spieler kann sich in einer dieser Fertigkeiten spezialisieren und mit anderen Spielern derselben Fertigkeit in einem eigenen Ranking in Wettbewerb treten. Der Wechsel von einer Fertigkeit in eine andere wird jederzeit möglich sein, jedoch gehen gewisse erarbeitete Vorteile dadurch verloren.
* Es werden im Laufe der Runde wieder Versorgungsstationen eingebaut, welche an jedem Himmelskörper gebaut werden können. Flotten verbündeter Spieler können an diesen Versorgungsstationen andocken und von dort aus neue Befehle empfangen. Versorgungsstationen können zerstört werden.
Wikis: 2Wiki Seiten: 194